Let’s help Julia Margaret Cameron make the score for the next £20 note

See what we did there? Score … £20 note … yes, don’t worry we won’t give up the day jobs, but we will encourage you to vote for Victorian photographer Julia Margaret Cameron as the next face for the £20 note.

Julia Margaret Cameron for twenty pound note -700

Readers may have heard that the Bank of England is currently seeking nominations for the next person of significance to appear on the £20 note.

Plans are in place for the next £20 note to celebrate Britain’s achievements in the visual arts and the rather lovely Mrs Middleton’s Shop in Freshwater (go visit if you haven’t already) is spearheading an Island-related campaign.

Who and why
Mrs Middleton is hoping to encourage Islanders and visitors to vote for the celebrated Victoria photographer, Julia Margaret Cameron (Dimbola Museum and Galleries).

As a pioneering woman photographer, and, as Mrs Middleton says, “arguably the first in her game at the close-up”, we’re sure you’ll agree that JMC would be a magnificent addition.

Mrs Middleton told OnTheWight,

“It would be great to bring her relevance to the fore on the British Isles, her importance in our heritage seems more widely known in the USA (where the Getty Museum bought so much of her work) and in Canada.

“Her photographs are currently steadily rising at auction price, and it’s such a good time with the advances currently in photographic technology to bring her relevance to our own audience shores.”

Vote for Julia
We love this fun mock-up of a ‘Freshwater Circle’ £20 note that Mrs Middleton has shared.

If you agree that Julia Margaret Cameron should be the face of the next £20 note all you have to do is pop over to the Bank of England Website and enter your nomination.

Please make your nominations by 19 July 2015.​

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View the location of this story.

Thursday, 28th May, 2015 6:28pm


ShortURL: http://wig.ht/2d7H

Filed under: Freshwater, Island-wide, Isle of Wight News, Photography, The Arts, Top story, West Wight

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  1. Come friends, it’s not too late to seek a newer world.
    Suggest Julia Margaret Cameron – a woman of note

  2. Darran's comment is rated +3 Vote +1 Vote -1

    29.May.2015 12:17am

    Will Gompertz of the BBC made the case for Julia Margaret Cameron in this report… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-32831975 Well worth a watch!

  3. Mark Francis's comment is rated -6 Vote +1 Vote -1

    29.May.2015 10:49am

    She seems to have replaced the Queen in the picture.
    Way to go! Let’s not muck about! What has the Queen ever done for us? (Apart from the stamps & the banknotes & coins go without saying…)

  4. temperance's comment is rated -4 Vote +1 Vote -1

    29.May.2015 6:42pm

    Margaret Cameron, I’d like to see Margaret Thatcher on them, someone who gave the working class a chance to raise their standard of living….that is the ones who could be bothered to get of their backsides.. yes I’m expecting lots of negatives so don’t bother, your the latter sort I’m no doubt revering too.

    • Billy builder's comment is rated +4 Vote +1 Vote -1

      29.May.2015 7:05pm

      I think not, maggy thatcher the milk snatcher. The person who decimated our heavy industry, and for those Euro sceptics amongst you, the person who signed the Maastricht treaty that transformed the EEC into the EU.

      • Billy builder's comment is rated +3 Vote +1 Vote -1

        29.May.2015 7:11pm

        Correction: it was John Major that signed Maastricht not Maggy. She just destroy our industry and close our mines so that we could import coal from Australia.

        • cicero's comment is rated +2 Vote +1 Vote -1

          29.May.2015 7:33pm

          Let us also remember the following duplicity perpetrated by a UK government:

          2004: Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair says a referendum will be held on ratification of the European Constitution Treaty but does not name a date for the poll

          …… and then reneged on the promise.

          (Would you buy a Middle East Peace Plan from somebody like that?)

          • billy builder's comment is rated +2 Vote +1 Vote -1

            29.May.2015 7:42pm

            The EU referendum will be costing us billions of pounds in lost or delayed investment.

            David Cameron will fail to get any meaningful change in the UK’s relationship with Europe, although they will cobble together some words that sound as if he made progress. But as with the so-called rebate that George Osborne announced last year, it will be meaningless words.

          • cicero's comment is rated +3 Vote +1 Vote -1

            29.May.2015 7:49pm

            Compare and contrast.

            (LibDem website) “Liberal Democrats believe that there should be a referendum on whether or not Britain remains a member of the EU.”


            “But (Vince) Cable told BBC Radio 4 on Wednesday: “We think a referendum in 2017 is a seriously bad idea. It a very, very bad idea at a time when the British economy is recovering.”

          • Billy builder's comment is rated +3 Vote +1 Vote -1

            29.May.2015 9:16pm

            Both the Libdems and Labour party thought that having a referendum on Europe was insane. The fact of the mater is that that referendum is now going to happen. That particular battle is lost. Both Labour and the Libdems have accepted that the referendum will happen and are now focused on ensuring that we stay in the EU.

          • cicero's comment not rated yet. Add your vote Vote +1 Vote -1

            30.May.2015 7:25am

            But don’t comments by LibDem leaders (Clegg and Cable) make them look a little ambivalent on the matter?

            (see my comment 7:49 pm)

          • Billy builder's comment not rated yet. Add your vote Vote +1 Vote -1

            30.May.2015 8:40am

            I think Cable made his thoughts quite clear, a referendum is a bad idea as it unsettles business and risks our economy. But a referendum we are having, so lets go out and get it won. As I said, the Libdems and Labours stance is the same, they didn’t want it but now it’s here lets fight for the EU.

          • Billy builder's comment not rated yet. Add your vote Vote +1 Vote -1

            30.May.2015 8:40am

            I think Cable made his thoughts quite clear, a referendum is a bad idea as it unsettles business and risks our economy. But a referendum we are having, so lets go out and get it won. As I said, the Libdems and Labours stance is the same, they didn’t want it but now it’s here lets fight for the EU.

          • cicero's comment not rated yet. Add your vote Vote +1 Vote -1

            31.May.2015 8:30am

            BB “I think Cable made his thoughts quite clear, a referendum is a bad idea as it unsettles business and risks our economy. ”

            Figgers! More confirmation from a leader of a party based on personal ownership of property (see LibDem Constitution)that prefers to support business rather than democracy?

            (BTW I think the UK should stay in the EU for geopolitical reasons but also that EU Commissioners should be an elected not appointed like the House of Lords that usually reflect the views of the government in power However if TTIP gets signed I would vote for a Brexit!.)

      • Mark Francis's comment is rated +3 Vote +1 Vote -1

        29.May.2015 9:07pm

        Well money was Thatcher’s god.

      • JB's comment is rated -3 Vote +1 Vote -1

        29.May.2015 11:18pm

        Greedy, self obsessed union leaders did far more to ruin heavy industry than Thatcher, she said make it profitable, or find something else to do. Is that so wrong?
        Scargill, and his comrades are all hard up now of course, they totally had the minIng communities over, he didn’t give a toss about them, he liked the sound of his own voice, and assumed there was a bottomless pit of money to fund everything, mainly his enormous salary. He had the working man out on strike, going without, just to promote himself, and earn more.
        Decades later people still harp on about a woman who stood up to loud mouth bullies, in a negative way, don’t get it, they’re daft

        • cicero's comment not rated yet. Add your vote Vote +1 Vote -1

          30.May.2015 7:47am

          JB is correct! The unions became so over-powerful in the 70s that overseas they called strikes the “English Disease”.

          Remember “wildcat strikes”, “secondary picketing”, “Red Robbo”, “demarcation disputes”, tea and sandwiches at No. 10 for union leaders” and all the rest of action by trades unions that eventually destroyed ship-building, docks, the automotive industry, railways,airports, and power stations let alone the coal industry.

          Those actions persuaded major industries to move to other countries taking their jobs with them.

          Scargill believed his own propaganda and was completely out-manoeuvred by Thatcher (just like Thatcher herself who was later stabbed in the back over the Poll Tax fiasco).

          The danger with political ideologies- left or right- is that they have the tendency to swing to extremes.

          Labour did in the 70s, Tories in the 80s and early 90s, Blair bent the UK over for Dubya in the early 2000s, Cameron, Osborne and Clegg coalesced to promote right-wing policies in the last five years….. and now the rightwards swing is going to get worse with an eventual sell-out to the US on the horizon.

          I fear that our generation has left turbulent times that our grandchildren will have to navigate in the future.

          • kevin1746's comment is rated +4 Vote +1 Vote -1

            30.May.2015 12:14pm

            The Unions had to stand strong against governments that abused workers….for every action there is a reaction and the destruction of the Unions under successive goverments is not something to gloat about..it is something we should be ashamed of

        • Billy builder's comment is rated +1 Vote +1 Vote -1

          30.May.2015 8:58am

          Cicero, you’re quite right in saying that in 1979 the unions had become to powerful and were damaging their respective industries and the country. Mageret Thatcher came in to power with the view of destrying those unions no matter the cost. As a result of Thatcher’s actions aided and abetted by the unions, the country no longer build the ships we sail, make much of the steel industry uses, or mime the coal used by our power stations .

          I would suggest that the Thatcher made recession of the early 1980’s was far deeper than the recession we’ve just gone through.

          Thatcher as with Cameron today, made that recession far deeper and longer by using a single tool to tackle the economy, Moneitarism in Thatchers case Ausrerity in Camerons

          • cicero's comment not rated yet. Add your vote Vote +1 Vote -1

            30.May.2015 9:23am

            Thatcher survived (for a time anyway) by wrapping herself in the Falklands flag. Cameron has said already he will duck out in 2020.

        • cicero's comment not rated yet. Add your vote Vote +1 Vote -1

          30.May.2015 12:34pm

          Not true in the 70s Kevin. The Wilson.Callaghan governments were over-friendly to the major unions and exercise little control over their actions that were ruining various industries.

          I lived through those times and was directly affected by rail strikes, energy strikes, dock strikes, airport staff strikes, shipbuilding strikes, car industry strikes etc. (I worked in the Midlands at that time and experienced first-hand the chaos caused by unions.).

          This chaos was what caused me- with left of centre political tendency- to vote for Thatcher to get the unions under control.

          She did but then tried to destroy them in the process to becoming dictatorial (see my comment @ 7:47 today.)

    • kevin1746's comment is rated +3 Vote +1 Vote -1

      30.May.2015 12:11pm

      Thatcher only ever promoted wealth for the rich..she conned the working classes, and those that made money out of her hair brained schemes are now the worst kind of Tory…traitors to their kind whilst the vast majority who believed this ‘women’ fell further down the ladder

      • Mark Francis's comment is rated +1 Vote +1 Vote -1

        30.May.2015 1:44pm

        I’m kind of getting the feeling that we should not be going for Thatcher on the banknotes then. Julia Margaret Cameron it is then.

        (I rather thought Mary Seacole could be in there)

        • cicero's comment not rated yet. Add your vote Vote +1 Vote -1

          30.May.2015 3:04pm

          Given modern attitudes towards titled mistresses, perhaps a racy lady like Sophie Dawes from St. Helens (later Baroness de Feuchères by marriage, an English “adventuress” best known as a mistress of Louis Henry II,

          Or maybe the 19C Lady Worsley (Seymour Dorothy Fleming) who “was forced to become a professional mistress or demimondaine and live off the donations of rich men in order to survive, joining other upper-class women in a similar position.” ? :-))

          • Joe's comment not rated yet. Add your vote Vote +1 Vote -1

            30.May.2015 4:18pm

            And their contribution to the visual arts (requirement to be on this note) was?

          • cicero's comment not rated yet. Add your vote Vote +1 Vote -1

            30.May.2015 5:23pm

            OK- how about Katie Price for her frequent contributions to visual art on Page 3? It would be a bit more interesting than Madge or JMC!

          • Joe's comment not rated yet. Add your vote Vote +1 Vote -1

            30.May.2015 6:20pm

            erm … they can’t be living …

          • cicero's comment not rated yet. Add your vote Vote +1 Vote -1

            30.May.2015 6:30pm

            Why not?

            OK if they have to be dead try googling some images of Sophie Dawes and Lady Worsley, such as “Lady Worsley dressing in the Bathing House by an Unknown British artist, 1782”, as well as consulting “The Wicked Wanton Ways of the Worsleys: The 18th Century’s Sex Scandal” on h2g2.com/entry/A87788083

          • Mark Francis's comment not rated yet. Add your vote Vote +1 Vote -1

            30.May.2015 7:41pm

            So Tracy Emin would have to die first?
            At least she would stop moaning…

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