Disposable crisis project

‘Shoot film with a Mission’


This remarkable project (Disposable Crisis Project), set up by Indra Moonen, is about allowing people to express the effect of the economical crisis by documenting what it means to them through the use of a disposable camera. A great feature to this project is that people are allowed to make request’s for where they would like her to send a disposable camera, meaning that this project will accumulate a significant amount of photographs from  a variety of destinations around the world, displaying a board range of issues. To find out Indra’s intentions and to discover how the project began, continuing reading where I was able to have an interview with her, underneath the manifesto.

‘The media’s most used words in the past year have to be “the economical crisis”. I am very fortunate to live in the Netherlands where people really are pretty rich with roofs over their heads, food and a social security system, albeit the latter having been degraded over the last years. This makes me sincerely wondering about how this crisis has affected people all over the world. That’s why I have set up this project. In short the goal is to collect photographs from people everywhere depicting what the crisis means to them or how it has affected their lives. This does not necessarily have to be negative things. The result will be published in a book and sold. The money gathered by selling the book will go to the Fair Trade Organization.

Film’s not Dead: Where did this idea evolve from?

Indra Moonen: The idea started about half a year ago. I’m not really sure why. I thought about how the crisis affected my personal life and I couldn’t really tell. I still have a job, a roof over my head and decent food. That made me wonder how it would be for other people all over the world. This formed the base for the project.


Film’s not Dead: How long have you been working on this project for?

Indra Moonen: As mentioned above I thought about it for like half a year. January the 3rd I decided to go for it. I could spend another half a year thinking about what it would be like but figured I might as well do it then and find out.


Film’s not Dead: How do you pick the countries you send the cameras too?


Indra Moonen: I post the project to Flickr groups, via my Facebook friends and communities, on analogue photography forums where I’m part of and via Twitter. The rest goes via via. I receive messages from all over the world this way and that’s exactly what I’m looking for. So far this has proven to be the hardest part: reaching people and getting them to join this project.


Film’s not Dead: Where do see this project going in the future and how long do you intend for it to last for?


Indra Moonen: I want to send about 300 cameras to people all over the world. I hope to have accomplished this around July this year and hope to receive the cameras back by December 2012. That way I can start the making of the book in January 2013 and hopefully get it finished and on the market by July that year.

Film’s not Dead: Where did your love for photography start?


Indra Moonen: It started when I was 18 and went to study photography. Before I always wanted to work with horses but realizing that with or without education I’d have to start at the bottom and had nothing to fall back onto I thought it to be wise doing something else. But what? So I went to this guy who works with pendulums and had to make a list of all kinds of professions, including house wife, and photography remained the last one standing. That made me decide to study it. I found the love of my life!

I studied photography and work partially as a photographer, partially in a photo store. I primarily focus on analogue photography and especially alternative processes such as wet plate collodion photography.


Film’s not Dead: What would you like to achieve from this project?


Indra Moonen: I would like to create a bit more awareness to what this crisis means to “real” people instead of the far-from-your-bed-stories you see on the TV. I like to give people a voice whose you normally would perhaps not hear. The book will sort of mummify this so they won’t be forgotten. The money raised by the book will go to the Fair Trade Organization in order to change the system and help make this world a better place.


Film’s not Dead: Why did you choose to send disposable cameras?


Indra Moonen: Partially because of my love for analogue (film) photography but also because it means that I pretty much know for sure that the photos taken are taken especially for this project and not some old material people have laying around. On top of that it ensures the photos not having been messed with. In this digital era where there’s already too much fumbling going on I like to keep the material as real as possible and this is a sure way of doing that.

Last but not least, it adds this extra challenge to the project for me personally. 

To make a donation to this insightful project or to find out more about it then please click Here.

Updated:July 29, 2019

