A 3D Printed Pinhole Camera – Clint O’Connor

“Pinhole – a 3D printed camera. Get one or print your own – either way, take magical photographs from a new, yet old perspective.”

Taking a picture with the flyer 6x6 © Peter Wormleighton

We have seen many wonderful camera creations over the years but this is something completely new to us. Clint O’Connor from Austin, Texas has mixed old school photographic simplicity with the very complex new age of printing, by 3D printing his very own pinhole camera, which he has called the Flyer 6×6.

What we really love about this camera, apart from the pureity of it, is that you have the choice whether you buy it already made up to shoot with or you can make your very own using STL files and printing instructions. For this beautiful little camera he has created film and processing exposure tables to make using the camera easier as well as reference photos, and even better news he’s also hoping in the future to develop a wider range of 3D printed cameras.

In just 13.5 hours this project had reached it’s targeted goal, but there is still 13 days to go. Clint dedcided to introduce a stretch goal where all kits and camera rewards will also include a neutral density filter if the project reaches $2600. It is currently on $12,175!

Clint O’Connor says in his Kickstarter Campaign: The Flyer is my first 3D printed pinhole camera. It is printed in ABS and designed to be robust and light.  It takes a 6cm x 6cm square image, 12 exposures to a roll of 120 film, just like a Hasselblad.  It can be mounted to a tripod and it has a flip shutter that is really easy to use. The field of view is 70 degrees with an f/stop of 133.

The video below demonstrates just how simple this 3D creation is to use!

To pledge click here


 Information: Thank you Paul for the tip!

